Subscriber cost levels and benefits

Subscriber cost levels and benefits packages for Unified Global Capital Solutions (UGCS) Community TV & Broadcast Network offers different tiers of membership with corresponding benefits.

Subscriber cost levels and benefits

Subscriber cost levels and benefits packages for Unified Global Capital Solutions (UGCS) Community TV & Broadcast Network offers different tiers of membership with corresponding benefits.

Content for EVERYONE

Each membership level is associated with a specific subscription cost and the benefits are customized based on the your preferences and needs. 

Tiers and Service Offerings:

Basic Interaction (Free)

  • Access to select content and episodes on UGCS Community TV & Broadcast Network

  • Receive newsletters and updates from the network

  • Participate in community forums and discussions.

Premium Membership (Paid)

  • Access to all content and episodes on UGCS Community TV & Broadcast Network, including exclusive shows and interviews
    Early access to new content releases.
  • Participation in live webinars, workshops, and training sessions hosted by industry experts and network hosts
  • Priority consideration for networking events and collaborations within the UGCS community
  • Personalized content recommendations based on your interests and preferences.
  • Discounts on merchandise, events, and partner offerings

Elite Membership
(Higher Tier)

  • All benefits of Premium Membership
  • Access to premium features such as one-on-one consultations with financial experts, personalized investment insights, and tailored educational resources
  • Invitations to exclusive VIP events and networking opportunities with industry leaders and influencers
  • Dedicated customer support and concierge services for membership inquiries and assistance

Corporate Membership (For Businesses)

  • Customized membership packages for businesses and organizations, including access for multiple team members
  • Branded content opportunities and sponsorship options for increased visibility and engagement
  • Priority access to business development resources, market insights, and networking opportunities tailored for corporate needs
  • Co-hosting opportunities for industry-specific webinars and events

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• Platform Products

Community Partner