Privacy Policy

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This Policy on Use and Usage governs the responsible and ethical use of the UGCS Market Research Platform (“UGCS”) designed to unify innovative industry leaders globally.

By accessing and using UGCS, you agree to comply with this policy.

Use of UGCS:

Access and Registration: To utilize UGCS, you may be required to register and provide accurate information during the registration process. You are responsible for safeguarding your login credentials.

Responsible Use: You agree to use UGCS responsibly and lawfully. Prohibited activities, including hacking, spamming, or distributing malicious software, are strictly prohibited.

Content Sharing: UGCS enables the sharing of content, such as industry insights, research findings, and best practices. Ensure you possess the appropriate rights and permissions when sharing content.

Privacy and Data Handling:

Privacy: Your use of UGCS is subject to our Privacy Policy. We are committed to protecting your privacy and data security.

Data Accuracy: When sharing data or information on UGCS, strive for accuracy and reliability. Misleading or false information can harm the community.

Prohibited Activities:

Prohibited Content: You may not upload, share, or engage in discussions related to offensive, defamatory, illegal, or rights-violating content.

Impersonation: Impersonating other individuals or entities on UGCS is strictly prohibited.

Community Guidelines:

Community Etiquette: Treat all UGCS members with respect and professionalism. Engage in constructive discussions and refrain from personal attacks or harassment.

Reporting Violations: If you encounter content or behavior violating this policy or community guidelines, please report it to us at

Modification or Termination: UGCS Market Research Consortium reserves the right to modify, suspend, or terminate UGCS or any part thereof at any time without prior notice.


By using UGCS, you acknowledge and agree to adhere to this Policy on Use and Usage. Failure to comply with this policy may result in the termination of your access to UGCS and other appropriate actions.

This Policy on Use and Usage is designed to ensure that UGCS remains a valuable and respectful platform for industry professionals. Please review and adhere to this policy while using UGCS.

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